
Showing posts from July, 2014

2014 11th Annual Show & Shine Car Show

Design and test print for the 2014 Show & Shine Car Show T-Shirt
CALAVERA REVIEW Calavera The Undead #1 Comic Book Review by Ric Susman of The Read Pile Advanced Review: Calavera: The Undead July 9, 2014 Ric Susman Things I am a sucker for: The 80′s Zombies Anything zany and, or, over the top. With that said, it should come to no surprise that I really enjoyed the first issue of Calavera. Written and drawn by Nevin Arnold (and brought to us by Hangman Comics) comes a book that is as much fun to read as it is to view. In short the art matches the story. The humor matches the the tone in every panel and reminds me of Chew as much as it does Dawn of the Dead. If I am honest, that is the best way to describe Calavera herself. She is completely out of place and time being a traditional 80′s Punk/Metal girl who suddenly wakes up in the year 2012. She is fully aware of what she is and I find that very refreshing, self aware zombies are a lot easier for me to accept. None of this “walker” or “biter” silliness. She is more than a sum of...
CALAVERA REVIEW Review of Calavera the Undead #1 by Josh Reifler of RWG Calavera The Undead #1 Story & Art: Nevin Arnold Publisher: Hangman Comics Reviewer: J. Reifler Thrills! Chills! Zombies! This week’s indie comic pick is Calavera The Undead #1 a self-published release by graphic designer and comic artist Nevin Arnold . This is a horror punk series with a tongue-in-cheek sensibility focusing on recently returned-from-the-grave spooky heroine Calavera. Part Tank Girl and Part Vampirella the series is a campy good read with excellent artwork to boot. While most books about the zombie apocalypse tend to be quite dour, this series carries itself with a sense of lightness and fun that feels more at home with Mad Magazine’s Harvey Kurtzman than Clive Barker. Story: Calavera Padavona is having a bad day. Reanimated almost a decade after her death by the demon Baazedon, she’s returned to living only to find her apartment has been rented out and all her vinyl has been gi...
CALAVERA #1 Review The first comic book review of Calavera The Undead by Richard Boom of Comics for Sinners Calavera is about a fun loving 80′s rocker chick, who mysteriously )a story for another time’ falls to her death in 1989 only to be awaken in the year 2012, on a rooftop amidst burning bodies! She discovers soon that she is now essentially a super powered zombie, deteriorating day by day, and sharing her body with a mysterious demonic -yet Pluse One for the good side of demons- yet still incredibly happy to still have her old leather jacket. Nevin Arnold cooked up some wierd characters and made it boil into a sizzling zombie-story so far, that is for sure. Calavera is -despite her eerie style fashion and her odd hair-don’t- a captivating persona, a strong character with enough wit, charm and brass balls to make her an intriguing feature character. So when all the zombies come walking around, the demon in Calavera’s head starts asking for her help, an evil Necromaster is set...
Calavera The Undead now available for download on Amazon!